A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Not sure being asked to smile in the middle of your practise helps with the focus but her concentrating face is seriously miserable looking. Anna'a focus is now on her upcoming music exam. Well, when it's not on perfecting her handstands and cartwheels in the garden. Though with the soaring temperatures today she had to wait until the garden was mainly in the shade to do that as the astro gets way too hot to touch with bare hands.

This was very nearly a picture of Albi on the floor of the River Thames. I took her for a very long walk this morning, to school, then Chiswick House and down to the river where it was very low tide. So we ventured down for the first time. We ended up with a very muddy dog, muddy shoes for me and some slightly startled swans but I got her away in time before any actual acts of treason were done. The focus of my life really should be on training the dog to come when called.

Instead of course the focus is J. Another very difficult day. However, the nights are making progress and the doc is happy with how things are going. And that is the main focus of the treatment. Once we can get the nights cracked the theory is the days will follow suit. The reassurances from the doc help but I am painfully aware from a patience perspective he is one week in and we are several more.

I did find time for some reading in the sunshine - The Light Between Oceans - highly recommended if you need a distraction to focus on. Or if you just like a good read.

Lesley x

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