A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

More distractions

What a day* to make my return to the netball court. At least I had a good excuse for being slow. Fun though. And I think I have found a new team to join from September. Will have to do some serious work on my fitness level though.

Carl worked from home today to give me a little time out so I made the most of it and met a friend for coffee and juices at the lovely Skittle Alley coffee shop and then a little walk along the river.

And we made some further progress on our summer travel plans, though they do now seem to incorporate the possibility of me and the mutt doing a road trip back at the end of it. My task is to mull over how I feel about this; I really can't work out whether I think it would be horrible or a fun adventure.

Lesley x

*hottest day of the year - 36.7 degrees registered at Heathrow.

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