
By LadyPride

Summer days

Another blissful sunny day and another day of little work and lots of sunshine. To be fair, today was always scheduled for a day off with Squidge. Of course, she couldn't sleep in the heat so was a mardy bum - but we tried not to let it spoil our time together.

Here she is running excitedly with her cereal bowl. "Is it our day Mummy? No nursery Mummy?" Breaks my heart how happy she is just to be at home with her Mum. She wakes every morning afresh with this boundless energy and enthusiasm for life. Oh to be three again.

We had our old neighbours over for a play date in the garden and paddling pool today and it was so much fun. They played their little hearts out and then we all had lunch. Trying to get the boys dried and back in the car was amusing now I look back on it, but I felt for my friend. Two boys. Two boys determined to jump back in the pool once they'd been dried and dressed. She handled it brilliantly. I'd have jumped in the pool and drowned myself in the same situation!

This afternoon Squidge and I took it easy alternating between telly for her, laptop and emails for me and the garden.

Angus came home and cooked me steaks. We've drunk a bit too much for a week night and we're now sat in the garden reading as it's the coolest place to be.

Summer, you can stay. I like you.

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