Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

After the Forth Rail Bridge Charity Abseil

An early start to drive through to South Queensferry, to support our Nephew who was abseiling from the Forth Rail Bridge in support of NSPCC.

He is one of the ScotRail Apprentice team, seen here with their Mentor, Jamie. Between them they have raised over £2,200. Congratulations to all on this brave attempt. They looked happy and relaxed after it was all over, rather nervous beforehand. A fitting addition to my occasional series Beside the Railway.

They are soon off to the Lake District to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. I am very impressed with this apprenticeship training scheme. Look out for them, they are all working in Central Scotland, on the trains or in the stations.

We then had a walk into the Dalmeny Estate along the shoreline. I have added a shot of both Forth Bridges in my Blipfolio.

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