Today, thankfully, saw a cooler morning. Last night was not a good one - far too hot to sleep, and my shoulder so sore that the heat almost didn't matter.
So, a sleepy SooB got on with today's chores. The first - at the school office - is barely a chore as I get to chat with CheeseLady. Though today she was less fun... She is hoping to be accepted onto a Masters in International Law, which is part taught in English, and therefore needs to refresh her English a bit. Today she was asking me how to say things in particular tenses, a task made more difficult by my total lack of knowledge of any tense names in English. And so she had to give me examples in French and hope my knowledge of French tenses was adequate to the task... (Hmmm, I think I scraped a B-)
Anyway, some stuff sorted out at school, then off shopping and finally to the task of making end of term truffles. The weather is rubbish for this job. I should really make them all on a chilly February day and freeze them. Anyway, the two mixes (sort of caramel chocolate, and strawberry and pepper) are in the fridge and I'm hoping the cool air tomorrow morning will make rolling them and tempering the chocolate possible.
Tonight was also not good for making pastry. For two reasons. Firstly the heat (the butter melts too much) and secondly because I was once told you should never make pastry in a bad mood*. And I was in a very bad mood with CarbBoy. His stubbornness surprises even stubborn old me. Any more of this and tomorrow's big surprise might be off...
Anyway, here's the prettier of our two bunches of grapes. I expect the next time I look at them the slugs will have eaten the lot.
Oh, in other news, the car rattle turned into a terrifying 'thunk' this morning, so I defied the car owner and went to the garage. 15 euros later, I left with a non-thunking car. Phew.
And in other, other news, TallGirl's new smart(ish) phone arrived today. She is beyond happy. So happy she didn't move from the sofa all day. Hmmm. (That she spent most of the day trying to make her Android-phone behave more like an iPhone, I'm going to gloss over.)
*Bad moods are for bread making.
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