The witching hour...
According to everyone's phones bar mine, I squeezed this in before midnight. So I'm counting it as such, and will give my phone a stern talking to for telling me it is tomorrow. .
CarbBoy had his basketball day out at Cap Decouvert (outdoor centre) and mercifully it was cloudy and cool (relatively, 23C). Meanwhile I toured the market, mowed the lawn, propped up some tomatoes, sprayed them blue (no blight yet - on reflection I think the marks on them I spotted the other day are just the results of my clumsy attentions) and cooked for the next (last?) in a long line of community events. Tonight was the basketball end of year party. I thought I'd cook something low key and ordinary (quiche and pasta salad) but still had folk coming up and congratulating me. Embarrassing. Perhaps they're just astonished that the cliche about English food is not true.
Anyway, a fun night. Interesting to see the vehemence with which Italy was supported in the football: definitely a case of 'anyone but Germany'.
All that should, of course, have been graced by the presence of Mr B, but he is yet again caught out with an air traffic control strike. They're so commonplace now that they're not even on the news. There's a petition to get the German controllers to take over French airspace. I might just go and sign it...
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