
After a long 24 hours, I finally got to meet my niece and she's gorgeous!

I always forget how small babies are; she's tiny, I think smaller than Theo (I remember him being quite long).

She cried when I got there, but as soon as I picked her up she was fine and snuggled quite contentedly all the time I was there.

My sister has said that she remembers Theo crying when he wanted something (bum change or feeding), but Theia just seems to grizzle when she wants a cuddle.

Theo still looks bemused by it all. He liked his presents that I'd taken for him, and quite sweetly placed his little Nessie toy that we got him in the Moses basket, tucking it in with the blanket.

The other gifts were also well received but I wish I'd bought tiny baby clothes now rather than 0-3 months as everything drowns poor Theia. She'll grow fast enough!

My sister was absolutely thrilled with the gifts from Tinksandtonks; she was stunned someone she didn't even know would send something so thoughtful and beautiful for her baby.
I told her she's not really a stranger, just a friend I haven't met :-)

I've said I'll leave them alone over the weekend as I'm sure there'll be a steady stream of visitors, so I'll visit again during the week.

Happy weekend blip mates :-)

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