Flower Friday

It's been another scorching day and I love it. I know it must be stiflingly humid for the workers in London, but here it is 28 degrees. I had a walk on the moor which was lovely in the cooling breeze from the North east.

There was a warning on the news for the elderly who were advised to take it easy in the heat. I remembered this on my climb through the woods and wondered at what age 'elderly' starts. Maybe I'm there already - it doesn't feel like it to me though.

I've all tidied up and have got food prepared for the arrival of our friends S and M tonight. Typically the forecast is for the weather to be wet tomorrow. They want to see the roses at Alnwick Gardens.

These wild foxgloves are growing on the dyke opposite our house. The village is in the valley and the Simonside Hills are beyond. Northumberland is a beautiful place to live.

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