Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Lingmoor Fell- the stroll that became a hike

The photo is of Blea Tarn from Lingmoor Fell.

I set off for a wander in the general direction of Lingmoor Fell via Elterwater Quarry footpath. Looking for birds and other wildlife and I did find some including a family of Wheatear. The most amazing sight was of a dragonfly catching a bee. I managed to snap the dragonfly (and bee) when it landed so will add that as an extra. I think is a Golden ringed Dragonfly.

I also saw a butterfly which I think is Brown Wall but no photo.

I had a look down at Little Langdale and across to Wetherlam but that was not enough i had to get the top. Had a nice chat with a lady from Clackmannanshire and her father (aged 76) and looking 'fit as a fiddle'

Having managed the top it seemed half- hearted to return the same way so onwards and down some difficult terrain to Side Pike and via the famous Fat Man's Agony ( will add as an extra - the obvious rock and shadow show the position of said narrow bit). After that it was agony - a bit too hot really and some how it took me about hour more than I had expected to get back to the start. Still I would not have missed it and did remember to splash on plenty of sunscreen on several occasions.

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