Table For Eight

A day of very much mixed fortunes today. Off to a very bad start with a phone call from my mum at 2 a.m. Her plane from Gatwick to Istanbul was delayed because the wheel was broken. It finally took off three hours late which meant she missed her connecting flight to Kansai Airport.

Way too wired to sleep after that, I got up at 0450 and did a 10 km run. At about 10 a.m., Mum phoned again. She was at a hotel in Budapest. She was, understandably, not happy. Because the hotel in which Turkish Airlines is putting her up in is outside of the airport, my Mum needed to buy a visa. I told her to keep the receipt to try and claim it back on her travel insurance. Anyway, she was able to inform us that she will be arriving twenty four hours later than planned as she will take the same flight tomorrow, just in time for the three typhoons currently bearing don on us. What a pain!

On the bright side, we (being my father-in-law, sister-in-law, and my family) did get to meet my brother-in-law's wife for the first time. She seems very sweet. A terrific artist, too. I think we all feel as if we have known her for years and I believe we made her feel welcome to the family. 

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