Folsom Prison Blues

I finished my Z water colour animals painting on Sunday so I wondered, "What should I do next?" I then remembered that AlexW had said, "I bet you could draw that," when I had blipped a manga poster. Well, I wanted to try and do something original instead of copying everything, and I love comic books, so I decided to try and do my own. But what to draw? I don't want to just copy existing comic book characters, that wouldn't be original. Then I remembered the old Rock Comics I used to read. How about manga of pop songs? Folsom Prison Blues seemed like a perfect choice, with its strong narrative. I have ideas for more to keep me going for a while.

I know there are a lot of problems with this. The hatching is scratchy. Johnny's gun is very badly drawn. It's a bit too "busy" so that the lettering is lost. However, with practice, I hope I can get better.

Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash


I decided to colour the picture in the hopes that the writing might stand out more. I'm pleased that even though I used pastels to colour the picture rather than ink it still retains the comic book look. See what you think.

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