
By Croft16

The bright bit..

..quite a storm overnight. Not too wet, and no lightening, but the wind blew and blew.. No real damage, except the veges look very windswept, peas and beans have a good "leant" on them, and everything is mud splattered..

Just wondering what else can happen this year!! Floods perhaps, or scorching drought.. A plauge of locusts?

Did a harvest for the hotel, and also checked through the records to see how we're comparing with last year. We were doing three harvests a week by this time last year, this year we're struggling to do one! Oh well..

Had a blipmeet with ArtyFartyAnnie, lovely to meet you AFA.. Had a good chat about Scourie, growing veg, and gold post boxes in Dunblane!..

Delivered the veg, and had a chat with S & T & J about supply.
Caught this wonderful view of the light on the hills, and good job, because 15 minutes later we had grey mist and heavy rain again..

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