
By erinmaureen


I think today was the busiest day that I've had all week. Which says a lot since I didn't do too much.

I ran some errands today, I had to go to Lord&Taylor to pick up a bag that I had bought and as I was standing at the counter waiting for the lady to bring it out from the back room I received a phone call from my sister meghan.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm in Lord&Taylor"

Completely normal. We walked around the store for a few minutes together before parting ways.

My cousins Colleen and Cayleigh came over and looked through our jewelry/shoes/bags for prom/a dinner dance and then KADGR and I hung some stuff up in my room that i've been meaning to get to for a while now.

Around 11pm I went down to my kitchen to find something to eat to discover that my sister's friends were over preparing for Kaitlin/Andrea's birthday extravaganza and had made these weird lemon shot things. Intriguing.

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