
By erinmaureen

"It felt right."

Today was Kaitlin's birthday extravaganza. I was lucky enough to be allowed to invited a few of my own friends to partake in the festivities.

My JillyBeans was able to attend which made me the happiest girl in the world. I had not seen Jillian in SIX MONTHS. I don't know how we managed so long without one another.

We had a lovely reunion in the parking lot of the train station in my town. It was adorable.

She and I drove around my town and went on an adventure to the food store and out for froyo before Emily Rose graced us with her presence. Then the three of us hung out waiting for Liz and Daniel to arrive so that we could go nom on dinner.

Daniel actually eats food now and it's the most fun thing ever. Like, we don't have to force him to eat. He just does it. Best.

Here is a lovely photo of Jill, Dan, Myself, Meg, Lemon and Emily. A few of my other friends were also in attendance such as my Nugget and my Desiree :)

Shenanigans were out of control by the end of the night. Let's just say one of the least weird things that happened was that one of my sisters licked Lemon's face. By the end of the night my most popular phrase was "i hope you guys will still be my friends tomorrow." It was quite the evening.

for more photos of our insanity you can look at jilly's blip

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