
An early walk today with the dogs, just after 6 a.m! It felt quite cool as we set off, but I soon warmed up and was glad I hadn't taken a jacket! At least at that time of day I don't have the problem of Finlay stopping to have a rest in the shade!

Later on I joined a blipmeet at Burnby Hall Gardens in Pocklington. There today were :
lovelupins17, Kit267, riversider, Sushi267, jankerman, annamariahill4 and Philiphoto who joined us on our meanderings.

The water lilies were very colourful - and worthy of blipping but I figured others would have more interesting shots - so I have blipped the mouth of one of the giant fish from the lilly ponds. I like the way it has one eye in and one eye out of the water!

I have included a couple of extras - one of a couple of elderly ladies sitting in the shelter by the pond, a most relaxing time! The other is a 3 shot HDR of the church in the town.

The York Railway Institute Brass Band was giving a concert in the afternoon and we stood and listened and watched them for a while before we set off home.

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