Courgette flower

Hallelujah! It rained today, a good couple of hours of steady rain, must better than the short heavy bursts we'd had with the thunderstorms the other night. The courgette plant that I've evicted from the cucumber container, where it had been masquarading  as a burpless cucumber, has been doing very well in its new home and has 3 or 4 fruits that should be ready shortly. One of these day's I'll try cooking the courgette flowers, they are supposed to be very tasty stuffed or fried in a light tempura batter.

I spent the morning with the Referees' Society's annual planning meeting followed by lunch, which is always a pleasant affair, good company and banter with some useful planning thrown in. Was landed with some tasks for the coming year including looking after the arrangements for kit and also joining the officiating committee to help with training and managing the Society.

A very nice Sunday lunch, which turned out, for me, to be the first Christmas dinner of the season - roast turkey and all the trimmings. I'm taking the long view of Christmas this year. Make this blip the first time you've heard about Christmas 2015!

A nice snooze upon my return home prefaced a lovely walk where we found that our coveted cherry tree was, for the first time in many years, smothered in fruit. Then home via the allotment for potatoes, sugar snap peas and yet more strawberries.

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