More entertainment in Jubilee Square, Maidstone

After yesterday's excitement at Henley and the storms a much more relaxing day today. A bit of a lie in too which meant that our regular Saturday stroll into Maidstone for coffee turned into a lunch at Pops' Cafe as well. A very pleasant experience too. There was more entertainment in the Square; the Rock Choir must have been performing at some time but on the stage at the time were an interesting collection of people wearing strange garb which must have some significance - if only I could establish what.

The remainder of the afternoon was also spent in a fairly relaxed stated too before it was time to get ready for the evening's entertainment where we were helping to celebrate the 60th birthday of a friend and colleague from Greenwich and the 30th birthday of his daughter. A pleasant enough evening with plenty of food but a loud and rather unpopular disco.

I can't for the life of me understand the popularity of discos at do's like these. Most people go to catch up with colleagues and friends they've not seen for a long time but end up having to bellow into each other's ears and end up having a stilted and somewhat unsatisfactory conversation only with the person sitting right next to you. As for talking to others across the table, there's no point in bothering to try.

Little wonder that almost everyone was outside on the terrace having a jolly good chat.

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