
There are very few arguments that are solved by taking a polar view. Take nature versus nurture, for example. Sure, upbringing affects a child but anyone with more than one child knows that every child is born with its own personality. There are lots of factors that affect a child's character but no child is born as a blank canvas.

Of my (many) children, Abi has definitely stared out as the most reserved. Her Year R teacher, Mrs Day, recalls how Abi was too shy to put her hand up during register. Perhaps three years later, though, Abi's mum and I went to a parents evening where the teacher started by saying "Well, obviously Abi's the class comedian" and we looked at one another and wondered which Abi they'd got her mixed up with. She was definitely changing!

Abi is most definitely not shy, these days, although she remains introspective and compassionate. She's also very lively and funny. Recently she landed the role of Nancy in the school's production of 'Oliver with a Twist', and she's taken to performing without ant apparent concern or anxiety. 

Last night, Mrs Day saw her performance and, apparently, cried all the way through Abi's performance because she was so moved by the change in her. We were not quite so affected, it must be said, but we still enjoyed her cockney accent and - hitherto unrevealed - singing talents. Bravo, Abi!

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