
By snailspace

Completely in a spin

More spinning today, and one more bobbin of singles done. I have three full now and it is time to ply.  

I have been reviewing the state of this project and you can see the finished yarn piling up now. In fact I believe there is only one bobbin's worth remaining of each of the three colours.

Now, I want to move on and do something pretty for the Show. Time is running out and I am under pressure now. All the same, I feel inclined to exercise some discipline (!) and complete this project first. It endangers the second pair of skeins but does make a lot of sense. I think.

If I ply tonight and empty my bobbins then I shall need the next three afternoons in which to refill them. Assuming that I can find the time - that takes me up to this weekend with the singles before I put something new on the wheel. I shall have two weeks left for spinning, plying and washing the second pair. 


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