"Get off my Land!"

The forecast for today wasn't looking brilliant, but as it was supposed to stay dry till about 1pm, I thought I'd get out for some fresh air and exercise before the heavy rain arrived. There is an area very near us which includes a wooded valley, and a number of fields, criss-crossed by lanes and footpaths. It's a bit of an elephant in the room for us, as it isn't easy to pathfind - both Mr PB and myself have had a wander across to and found navigation difficult - the footpaths on the map and those on the ground don't seem to tally and some of them are there but too boggy or overgrown to negotiate, so I've tended to avoid it. Today, however, I decided on a new strategy. I caught a bus a couple of villages upstream along the main valley, and walked home along some of the lanes over the hills above. My walk was extended by the bus driver failing to stop at the stop I wanted, but no matter. The scenery was very pleasant and the weather not too bad. Just as I was about half way up the hill, however, the heavens decided to open (an hour before forecast) and I got a thorough soaking. Once it cleared up, a brisk breeze dried me out in no time, and after another shower, the sky turned to blue and the rest of my walk was accompanied by birds and butterflies, - a Curlew was calling loudly and there were lots of Swallows and a number of Swifts patrolling the fields and as I reached the top, a couple of Skylarks were riding and fighting the breeze. This one obligingly stood on a field post and sang, and even waited while I got out my camera, despite getting a buffeting and having trouble keeping his balance. I had to laugh when I got home and looked at the photos - he looks as though he is giving me a proper telling off.

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