
It's been a dull and drizzly day, but I'd signed up to go to Longshaw - an ideal day to join in with one of the regular guided walks which would give me a better idea of the visitor experience. My services as a meet and greet person weren't needed - there weren't many visitors so most of the participants were NT volunteers on or off duty. About a quarter of the way round, we came across an Israeli family visiting the Peak District. They were looking for Padley Gorge but weren't really sure how to find it so they were dragooned into joining us. I think they enjoyed it. 
One reason I tend not to go on organised walks very often is because I never seem to get the chance to look around and take photos. This is the only one I took today. It's quarry on the estate. Stone from here was used to build the Derwent and Howden Dams.

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