
Well last night was a strange one.  BabyCyclops indicated that he wanted to go to bed early but then spent the evening whimpering and then waking/crying about once every half hour.  When we went to bed it was with the expectation of it being a horrendous night.  Then... BabyCyclops didn't wake again until 9am.  At 10hrs+ that is the best sleep he has ever done.  Obviously MrsCyclops spent it anxiously checking the baby monitor every half hour anyway.

BabyCyclops woke up much better if very snotty.

So we decided to go on holiday!  We'd booked it ages ago of course but we did feel we'd see how the baby was feeling given his recent illness.

We set off driving late morning and carried on until BabyCyclops got super bored, which was just before Newcastle.  We stopped at the first pub we saw and had an unexpectedly excellent soup/sandwich, then we carried on down to... Whitby!

We are staying in a lovely spacious apartment right on the harbour side (photo here) just a minute from the centre.  It is an old building with a long history but inside it is done up all contemporary.  With a high chair and cot and a box of toys all laid out for us.  Spot on.

We arrived, unpacked, and had a bit of a wander down the front before bedtime.

Note: Also added extra photo today

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