Gitama's World

By Gitama

At Least Rumi Enjoyed the Weather

A quick dash the break of torrential downpours..........Cabin fever is setting in in a BIG WAY. Rumi loved splashing in the puddles and was such a happy chappie to be out. I braved taking out my camera in a plastic bag so I could take these.

It seems that we are not the only ones experiencing shitty wet weather our friend Shaaamie wrote today that he he was just banging in the last few nails into his Ark.....perhaps you could swing by and pick us lot up here too Shaaamie.

It's been pretty productive though...I finally ran out of excuses to clean out my closet......something i had been putting off for about 3 weeks now.....anyway I have decided to let go of 2 BIG bags of stuff...mostly clothes...feel lighter already.

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