A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Box of emotions

This is our radio, its in our kitchen (hence the greasy fingerprints - Kim and Aggie would have a field day!)

I was listening to the Grand Prix this evening, as I figured it would be less stressful listening to it than watching it.

I switched it off as Hamilton was in 6th place on the final lap with about 150 metres to go. I figured it was all over. The home crowd were already celebrating Massa's victory in the race and the championship - How could Hamilton possibly come back from that with so little distance left.

I had been pacing the kitchen, my head had been in my hands, it was like Hamilton was someone close - this is how I feel about my kids on results day - I was chastising myself frequent for being so emotionally 'tied up' in the race.

And ultimately, devastated, that Hamilton, this young whippersnapper who I speak to the kids about at school and hold up as a role model, someone who perseveres etc etc, had had the title snatched from his grasp at the last lap.

And then an hour later I come to my computer and check the news and find that actually, he came fifth, not sixth, that he did it apparently about a nano second after I switched the radio off and I had been down in the dumps for an hour instead of dancing round like a loony!


I have learned a valuable lesson...

don't assume its over, until its really over

(or Don't listen to the Grand Prix on the radio when the championship hangs on 1 point)

Back to work tomorrow with a Ministerial visit in the morning, so got to be all ship shape and on the ball, ready to schmooz with the bigwigs. HAHA - I'm going to hide in my office if at all possible.

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