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By pplnani

Hey, pplnani, Chill Out..........

...............don't get your feathers all ruffled!!!!

I’ve had a bit of a nightmare today......arrived at the garage to collect my new (to me) car and nobody could find the person that sold it to me. We waited and waited, eventually someone else tried to help us sort everything out, when it finally came to light that the original sales person had made the appointment for us to collect the car even though it was his day off!!! gets worse........the new car has/had a personalised number plate that was being kept by the previous owner and the log book had been sent to Swansea and wouldn’t be back for a couple of weeks....the sales person knew this and didn’t tell there was no way it could be transferred to me!!!!!!! Also the promised re-gassing of the air con hadn’t happened because no-one else knew that he had promised it.........I just couldn’t believe my ears as all this gradually unfolded in the space of about 20 mins, it was like being in a bad sit-com....I was looking around for ‘Candid Camera!!’, eventually the senior sales person was brought in after a couple of others had tried and failed to work out what had happened.

By this time the red mist had descended (it was the first time I’ve had this extreme anger experience....I’m normally a very quiet, shy person who almost never complains out loud)....I told them in no uncertain terms (and rather loudly for me) that the service I had received was appalling and I wanted to call off the sale and have my deposit back.........I’ve never seen my husband looked so shocked....he’s never seen me like this either!!!!

To his credit, the senior salesman handled the situation very calmly and tried to talk me took him more than half an hour but I did calm down enough to think it through rationally - much to my husband's relief.........I knew that it made sense to go ahead with the deal (especially as my old car had something else go wrong with it on the way there) and all these problems that were unfolding had been caused by the original salesperson (who I’m guessing will not have a job tomorrow as it transpired he had lost three other sales this week for various reasons) and not the car.

Anyway, the upshot is I have the new car with the personalised plates for now, the air con was re-gassed (and boy is it cold now) while we sorted out the paperwork, they filled up the tank with petrol and when I take it back to have the new number plates put on it will have a full clean and valet free of charge.......I don’t think they could have done much more to appease me but I’m still a little uneasy as it all felt like a bad omen......I guess time will tell !!!

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