Sock Monster

Every home has one. You know the put paired socks in the laundry but invariably one always disappears.

Well, my sock monster followed me to work today.

I was sure I'd put a pair of socks in my bag (I'm being brave this week and wearing sandals for out & about, we have to wear clogs for work), but they were nowhere to be found when I got to work.
My bag was thoroughly checked, every compartment and pocket, but nothing.

The horror of having to put bare feet into rubbery croc-type shoes was awful, but there was nothing else for it. I was just thankful it wasn't a hot day so my feet didn't make fart noises when I walked

I thought perhaps I was mistaken and had left them at home, on the floor next to my bag.

It bothered me all morning, so at lunchtime I checked again and would you believe it...there they were!

Curse you sock monster!

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