at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Yay! vaccines!

is what I can only assume Briar was smiling about this morning. I just caught the end of this grin on camera. It was a cracker.

Ivy went to play at John's house by the beach, whilst Euan and I took Briar and Willow for the first of their vaccinations. They weren't bad at all- Briar finished her post injection calming breastfeed just in time for Willow to have hers. 

Tim came round in the afternoon to help shift the great big sofa out of the nursery downstairs (since he managed to get it in there a few months ago, when logically it shouldn't have fitted) in exchange for my making him a liter of chocolate gelato custard to go into his shiy new icecream machine. Ivy was very pleased to see Tim and got very upset when she was downstairs and he was up. 

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