at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Best seat in the house

Trying to nurse ivy to sleep whilst blipping, may not be my best work.

Busy day- said bye to granny grant and pops and went to visit my aunty hazel in her lovely new house. Ivy got frightened by a remote control snake proving some fears are instinctive not learned.

Then onto Stirling to see grandma and grandpa Tracey. I abandoned ivy and Euan to go get a haircut and later to the pub with Sam.

Poor ivy is still feeling a bit sorry for herself and she has sore gums which has made her grumpy. She cheered up when she got to play in grandma's garden though.

The pop up travel cot we have for ivy she escapes from - so I've gone to bed with her tonight. She fell asleep pincing my arms - I feel rather beaten up

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