Chocolate lipstick, creepy eyes

Fun day today, didn't work efficiently in the office, to busy chatting with the guys, just very nice,a nice change. I like where I am sitting now. I got them gobsmacked when I said my eldest was nearly 16, they all stopped working and looked at me, could see them trying to do the maths in their head, funny accountants, especially when I mentioned going to the pub for my birthday which will be my first official last day. I might come back, need to have a chat with the boss soon. Well fun with the girls and Riri tonight. Still looking. Phone the job guys to say I didn't want to travel international, I thought they d say, oh well good bye, but no, they said ok, point noted, what about another position.... Took me by surprise,we will see. Party preparations tomorrow and Friday, will be so busy.

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