Daily Wild

By emyjane

How Do I Look?

This female blackbird has been moulting now for at least a month, her tail is taking forever to grow back too!  She follows me around the garden like a little dog... She's still feeding young!  I wish blackbirds were like goldfish (patience with me on this one...!), because in a fish pond, the goldfish only have as many young as what can fit in the pond, so they stop when there's enough of them - blackbirds on the other just keep nesting until there are so many blackbirds, there's no room for anything else! :-/  Sadly the hawk came last night and took one of the babies - but I'm not surprised, as there's more blackbirds in the garden then anything else right now!  But of course the adult birds are my friends and all I want to do is please them by feeding them copious amounts of meal worms so it's entirely my fault why they're breeding so much, because there's an abundance of food and apart from the odd hawk and cat, life is good! :) xxx

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