Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Sometimes ......

.... only a Tunnock's Teacake will do.

It's not been all Ha Ha, Hee Hee this week (plagiarism in action); in fact, it's been hell.  Obviously, not hell on the scale of those of you who are suffering genuine pain or trauma, and not on the scale of the wider world who are having great buckets of ***t dumped on them.  But, it's been a difficult week at work, very very busy. 

Yesterday, before I went to see kith and kitten, I had been summoned to casualty to attend to my sister who had hurt her foot (not too bad, sent off to see her own GP, told to take ibuprofen for the pain and swelling).  Yes, thanks NHS.  She'd never have figured any of that out for herself.

Barely an hour later, same sister phoned in tears to say she had just spoken to Mum's neighbour, who had called to say Mum had taken a tumble in the garden, and could someone go round.  I jumped in the car, nipped round sharpish fearing the worst, to discover the silly old nitwit had fallen over while reaching for a particularly distant weed, and hadn't been able to get up. 

Luckily the neighbours heard, and hoisted her to her feet and into the house.  Black eye, cut face, bruised and grazed knees. I'd expect this from my seven year old grandson, but not from my eighty-seven year old mother!

Today, after checking the status of all family members and praying, yes really praying, that the phone would maybe shut up for a bit, I tried hard to catch up with the work.  By home-time I was regretting my decision to stop buying Lottery tickets! 

And so to Tesco, for stuff for the sandwiches tomorrow, and an emergency supply of Tunnocks!  Usually Thursday night heralds the first glass of vino of the weekend, but because my colleague is on holiday I am working tomorrow.  Grrr, curses.  So - it's chocolate not booze, and I'm sure I'll feel all the better for it in the morning. 


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