
By Madchickenwoman

Grand Day Out!

Today was a trip out with Friend - off to Bovey Tracey as the shop associated with the craft fair had a sale! The day started early, way too early at about 5.30 - what is it with these early wake ups? Must draw blind on attic window!! But I do like to lie in bed and look up through it to the moon and stars before I fall asleep!  So, up I got, and did all sorts before it was 9.30 and time to walk Portly! Had meant to just get up, have a drink and go back to bed! 
I had planned to go via Widecombe in the Moor, but took a wrong turning! Luckily sat nav on phone just plotted an alternate route that was oh so pretty!  Just had to watch out for jay walking sheep and ponies! I have no idea why the chicken crossed the road, but I have a good idea why these two inhabitants of Dartmoor do. Not for food, as have never seen anyone feed a sheep, possibly for a laugh, " come on babes, here comes another human in their metal crate, lets hold them up and see how they react!" But I suspect they are really letting us know that the Moors is theirs!
Once at Bovey we discovered The contemporary Craft Gallery in a converted water mill - oh my such creative and expensive things! I did succumb to a midnight blue diaphanous silk sleeveless top made from one piece of silk with wool fibres felted in to give structure and surface design, and just tied at the nape of the neck and backless! Yes I will be wearing a cami vest underneath! had a good conversation with the assistant about the distinction between Art and Craft - there are also makers and Designer Makers!! Art is purely visual, Craft functional and visual in purists eyes. But there was plenty in the Gallery that was not functional - apart from giving pleasure which is functional and essential as far as I am concerned! 
After lunch at the gallery  we had the most delicious icecream and espresso at The Flying Pig tea shop - mango and cream for me! A brand called Movenpick from switzerland of course! They know ice! Then we visited the charity shops! Bought 4 Chinese style blue pottery/china planters and 20 marbles to make a bee drinking station - all for £13!!! After  this Friend became weary and in discomfort so we headed home - we shall do Widecombe another day! I did get all excited as we neared Tavistock as there was an ice cream van and I just love Mr Whippy synthetic ice cream! But this was Willys van and no Whippy! I have not had one in years and now I am just lusting after the taste!
Once home I let Milly and Tilly out, ate and started looking at my photos - then I fell asleep in my chair - head lolling like a nodding dog! So I am now off to put allotment girls to bed and then myself! ( In my own bed not in the coop - feel tired enough but the red mites put me off sleeping on a perch amongst my feathered friends!) 
The blip is the old fashioned sweets the Flying Pig also sold! Meant to go back after the charity shops but just needed to get Friend home. I wanted to see if the coloured crystals were as good as I remembered like Mr Whippy!  Another day then, another Grand Day Out! Bet Widecombe does Whippy!!!!

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