Des Res?

The Eglu arrived Friday so today was the day to take it o the allotment and put it together. Colourful Mai came to me and we loaded the 4 large boxes into her van. We were at the allotment before the person who was supposed to be opening, no surprise there, and we set to emptying the old coop and taking the galvanised roof off - which was actually achievable! The coop opener arrived in time to takeout the last 4 bolts which us both being short arses we couldn't reach! We hauled the coop onto a vacant plot and set to building the new one! It went together really quite easily and Mai and I stood back and waited for the chickens to investigate. The coop opener had already left! Well they didn't investigate it and Mai was hungry and had painting to do, so home we went!
I changed my very wet clothes, it had been a fine mizzle the whole morning, had an espresso and went back to the plot! The girls still not anywhere near the new coop so I made a ramp with a wooden plank, a bit of carpet, bricks and an old log! I didn't think any of them were going to manage the ladder just yet! I sprinkled corn on the brick and carpet and stood back ready to take photos. Well they ate the corn, looked in the coop, and promptly retreated! After having a tidy up of their plot and blocking access to the small spare coop so they couldn't go in that and lay,  I decided to use the cardboard to cover more of my half plot and left them to it.
My potatoes were showing die back so I pulled up the foliage - and up came potatoes, so I found myself digging them out with my gloved hands! I don't use a spade or fork as some invariably get cut in half or pronged! I left the maincrop rows in as by now I was getting weary!
Back to the girls and still not a single one in the coop and no eggs laid at all anywhere. So I grabbed four and put them in - they were not happy about this at all! They found the plastic perches very strange to walk on and soon came out! I left them all under the corrugated sheets, which now act as dry sitting and feeding area one side and huge dustbath the other! They obviously prefer the delights of what frankly looks like a shanty coop to their Des Res!
I texted coop closer to say he could call me if he needed a hand getting them in, then cooked myself a delicious meal from my Hello Fresh box  and watched a fantastic film - The Fall - took 5 years to make and was set in many countries and was fanciful and superbly set and shot. The little girl was incredible. It was getting quite dark and I was hoping Coop closer had gone up early as I had suggested he do, given it was a murky day and they would be ready for bed earlier. I was exhausted and really didn't fancy chasing the girls in the dark! Thankfully he texted to say they were in, he had taken his family up to help and they had had to catch and put everyone of them in! My close tomorrow and I hope having spent a night in it they will go in without a fuss! Have I heard from Coop closer to offer me help - like heck I have!!

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