There and back again

By Mikes

The Hill

I am back in East Devon for a few days, the camera club to which I belong are preparing for an exhibition in August to celebrate its 50th anniversary and we have to prepare four prints each for selection. I never know what pictures to put forward and in the end it can end in a rush and then I am not happy with my choice. I try to put forward new prints that I have not shown before. This makes me work at producing new subjects. Also Mrs M has a reflexology session on Wednesday and then we will be off back to Dartmoor as daughter N03 needs a little help this week as her hubby is away on a course. That means I will have to cuddle that little granddaughter again!

Before we left this morning we walked Jinxy in the woods behind the house and were rewarded with the sighting a a young Roe deer who we must have surprise. He was away before I could get a good picture, just a brown smudge!

Across the valley from the woods is this lovely little hill, who on the OS maps has no name but I remember someone telling me that during the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell addressed his troops from here before some local battle.

True or not I love this little scene with the sheep grazing and the barn so its my blip of the day. I have a feeling that I may have blipped it before bit I think its nice enough for another outing

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