Flying visit!

This is a sort of convoluted tale. On Wed the 30May I told you I took #2 daughters car to Kwikfit at Anniesland where they did a fair bit of work on it and presented me with an eyewatering bill! AS anyone who has children will appreciate especially if these children drive their own cars, your paramount priority is their saftey. That same day I was serching among some stuff in the house when I came across a small crucifix which was for cars so I gave it to her saying "your gran once gave this to your grandfather, who promptly crashed his car but walked out fo it unscathed and she was a great beleiver in its provinence so now you put it in your car glove compartment and it will keep you safe" She did so and we went off on our holidays and said daughter carried on drivning 100 mile daily round trip to and from work. When we returned she went out for the evening and phoned for her father to collect her. For some strange reason he chose to pick her up using her own car and when he started driving it he thought it was not quite right.
Anyhows the next day he had a look at it and discovered the streering tracking was out by 1 and a half inches and when he looked at her two front tyres ...the wire was showing through on them!!! Yes you guessed it, in their haste doing her car, Kwikfit forgot to allign and track it and our daughter being an inexperienced driver didnt realise this. She could have had a blow out or been caught by the police!
This morning I phoned Kwikfit and explained this to them and said there was no way we could drive the car to Glasgow so I said I would take the two front wheels off it and bring them down and could they replace them. To their eternal credit they said yes and not only that, they replaced them with top of the range premium tyres. I have since come home and tomorrow we will put the new tyres on and the local garage will track and allign them etc.
Our daughter is now quite convinced that the wee cricifix guardian angel as she calls it watched over her until we came back and by sheer chance guided her father to taking her car to pick her up instead of using his own.
There you go. Serindipity again or what?
Grabbed the shot of the seaplane on my way back home
Now I am off on my final trave of the day to Oban

Happy blipping all

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