Woof on the hoof

A beautiful day here for once. Took myself off to the church sale of work & won a set of glasses on the wheel of furtune, had scones with straberries & fresh cream. Came home, read my paper then when #2 daughter came home & offered to take the dogs out for a walk I made my escape with both cameras.
Decided to follow bigsuze's advice and go to Danna.

I drove along, took the turning and parked at what looked like a park area. I then went through the gate and took the lower road toards the coast. After 10 mins walking, I came towards a house and two dogs came barking towards me one a huge black lab. The smaller terrior went back to the house but the black lab was snapping at my heels and each time I shifted my walking pole to the side he was on, he would then move to my other side! I saw a woman outside the house and as I approached she dived into the car, as her window was down I asked her if the snarling black lab was hers. She came out the car (at no point did she check this dog ) I said "is this your dog?" she said"no! well sort of!) my raised eyebrow brought the further response "its my mother in laws" (still not checking the bloody dog) I then asked her if it was ok to go through the gate beside the house and walk along the shoreline. "I don't know " said she "I only came here today and have never been here before as its my mother in laws place" (dog still snapping at my heels)
She got quite agitated so I just went over the gate and escaped the snapping dog. Regardless of her lack of knowledge, she could have checked the flaming dog!

Anyhow as it turned out, going over the gate was not a good idea! It was boggy & marshy so I followed an old wall and climbed up higher and was rewarded with some stunning views and it also got me away from returning past the viscious cur!

I even managed to get a picture of a wee chokie burd given that I dont have a zoom lens so I will put it up on flickr along with the rest. In the meantime this is the one I settled on and I ill be having words with bigzue about this elusive beach!

Have a good blip weekend all

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