Getting Messy with the #IMPACT #Tasty Team!

A nutritious diet is the foundation of good health yet in developed countries we are consuming more calories, sugar and fat than ever, and not enough fruit and vegetables. 

As well as projects to combat malnutrition overseas, we also run a small UK programme, providing back to basics guidance on cooking, nutrition and gardening in our local community in Sussex. 

This picture shows a busy after-school cooking club for parents and their children. The practical, hands-on sessions offer all participants the opportunity to learn new skills and gain confidence in the kitchen whilst improving parent's knowledge of diet and nutrition, and creating time for parents and children to spend together.

"The flapjack balls were the favourite recipes of the sessions.  All the mums wanted a copy of the recipe, and one mum said she loved the recipe books IMPACT provides and has cooked the shepherds pie from it already!"

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