Two swallows DO make a summer

A pair of swallows (please correct me if they're swifts or house martins!) in a specially built nest on a house in Hawes. Actually, they may make a summer, but the weather in Hawes wasn't brilliant.
A lovely little town though. We visited Outhwaites Ltd,  who are a proper old-fashioned rope manufacturing company, where you can walk round and see the rope and the products being made by hand - and the entrance is FREE!  (I think they probably sell quite a few dog leads though - you could say we were collared...........we bought two leads, but thereby hangs a tail.........).
We also visited the Wensleydale Creamery. They did a demonstration there of making Wensleydale by hand - and of course we bought some of their Wensleydale - Special Reserve no less. It was delicious. 
I've had to post lots of my entries as back-Blips, as we had no WiFi connection for about 5 days, so sorry I haven't been able to see or comment on any Blips this week.

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