Gitama's World

By Gitama

Fluff 'N' Stuff

It wasn't the cold that kept me inside was the whistling wind that kept on poking its icy fingers under my scarf and polar fleece.

Probably for those that live in colder climes would call me a big girls blouse ...what to do I will admit it.

Flynn brought me some Fluff ....(gotta love the Fluff).....which I thought to blip (using my ipad a spray bottle and a couple of torches) seeing as I have been remiss in my journal for several days now.....( yesterday I thought Blip was going to pop its clogs but checking later in the evening it was back up safe n sound .........I hope)..........I thought it good for me to poke my head in.

I have been sitting with my feelings for my friends was a time for me to go in and to write her a took several days for everything to take shape and then to pour out....but its done and I somehow feel a lot more restful in my heart...not quite so raw and bleeding.

I have also been thinking about is coming to the point where I take a break for a while or I recommit ........not commenting (which I haven't done much of lately) and not even thanking people for the hearts  and stars that I have been given .....does not sit right with me.....I have been trying my best to keep up with the special days...(in fact there are a few that I will be catching up with tonight).
Anyway the upshot is is that I would dearly love to recommit.....I am going to try my best to keep up......and from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful for those lovely stars and hearts and I am sorry for not letting you know individually.

“I wish I could close my eyes and be
blown into dust and nothingness, feel all my thoughts disperse like dandelion fluff drifting off on the wind.”
Lauren Oliver,

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