Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Plan of action

Due to the mental breakdown of yesterday, I have devised a plan.

This is it so far. Pretty simple I'd say. Not like I've been applying for over 10 jobs a day for the past 5 weeks. And driving, yikes, I had 30 lessons about two years ago and truly got no where. So when driving comes back around, I'm doing it in automatic. No more of this gear malarkey. 

But non the less, my diet starts again today. In full sweep might I add, as I bought new gym pants yesterday, which means I have to go. I know it's not going to be easy because it never is, but if Lee can lose 2 stone then why can't I? Probably because he's a lot more dedicated than me.

Life seems to be getting harder. Being 20 isn't what its cracked up to be so far.

Happy Blipping.

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