new friends

I go past this field every time I cycle to West Wemyss (not as often I should, someone shouted).

I think it usually has horses in it, but they tend to be at the other end. Today (as you can see) they were at the end I pass. Like most horses they are curious and friendly (or hoping for an apple).

Not far from there a seal popped its head out of the water to watch me pass. Same thing on the way back. Maybe hoping I carry a supply of mackerel around with me.

A young rabbit had a good look at me too. (It wasn't in the water). It quickly decided I enjoy rabbit in a mustard sauce, and headed for the nearest nettles.

A spaniel licked my leg. A Border collie tried to bite it. Collies, Jack Russells and any kind of terrier are a danger to cyclists (and runners). 99.9% certain to try to bite. Spaniels and Labradors are 99.9% safe.   

Don't start me about dog owners...

The best part of the day was getting on the scales after my cycle. 93kg! A miracle.

With all my travels recently (when I have much less control over what I eat and drink) and a couple of weekends blighted by the cold, I was expecting 95+.

93 kg may seem a lot. It is. But, it's only 8kg more than I was aged 21 and fitter than a butcher's dog. Some things have moved south of course, but it happens to us all.

Hope the OH doesn't read this. She has other ideas on the subject.

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