Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Seed head

Dad came back from his holiday in Rhodes today and Chris picked him up from the airport bright and early. After he'd had a sleep, he came and joined us for  a roast beef dinner followed by strawberries, chocolate, ice-cream and pancakes. :-)

I managed to sit in the garden for a bit this afternoon in the sun and while I was sunbathing I took a few shots in and around the garden. This is an aquilegia seed head with the seeds already visible and ready to go. I can't believe how fast summer is marching on - only one more week of school and then the holidays. :-)

I popped to the gym before tea in an attempt to burn off some of the ice-cream and chocolate from lunchtime! I found it hard going today, possibly because I missed badminton yesterday, but managed to do 23K on the bike in 50 minutes which I was pleased with as I normally do 22K in that time. :-)

All in all a happy day.

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