Flying Puffin

A wet and damp morning and plenty of mist about.  The afternoon got a little better with the mist lifting and less showers and even a glimpse of sunshine.  A better evening and brightened up a little but still windy. 

Another lazy start to the day but I finally found some energy to get up and get going :)  Me and Sammy enjoyed some walkies before lunch.  After lunch, I met friends Julie and Anita, Anita is over from Norway for the week, and we meet up with mam at the Sunday Teas in the Cunningsburgh hall.  We then went for a run down to Sumburgh Head to see the puffins. 
A quiet night at home tonight, mixed with a few walkies with Sammy :)

The Puffins at Sumburgh Head seemed to be having great fun flying in the wind.  They were whizzing past in all directions and right above my head at times too :)  They were fast and hard to snap at times but I managed to get a few :)  

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