Bath with a View

The morning looked like it was going to be promising, with some sunshine but soon dulled over and some showers throughout the day.  The afternoon has been drier and brighter.

Back to work after the weekend and it's been a steady day in the museum.  We also had some bairns workshops on. 
After tea, I headed down to see granny in the care centre and she was bright and cheery today.  We had a great time, hope she gets home soon.
Off to work in the pub tonight.

I nipped over Mossy Hill on my way home from seeing granny and was going to pop by my brother's, but they are in Unst for the week.  There seemed to be various baths dotted along the hill on the way to Scousburgh, and this bath has a great view looking towards St Ninians Isle.  Can't say I'd enjoy a cold bath in the middle of the windy hill but the sheep like to drink out of it :)  

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