
By Angelique


The day has been exactly as forecast, wet!!  Poor Phoebe has been moping about all day, waiting to go out and when we finally got outside, between the showers, it was only around the village.  So no beach play today!

I think she is still getting over yesterday's excitement and too much dog play.  We of course, were getting over yesterday's travelling.

I have inherited two extra Agapanthus plants, so with my own, I now have four. And have been watching them grow since we got here.  So very excited today to finally take a blip.  I hope you like it.

We are hoping the weather is better tomorrow but the forecast is still damp.  I feel sorry for Matthew as we have so many things planned for him.

Thankyou for the kind comments on yesterday's plane merger - not as clear as I would have liked but I did the best I could with the equipment available.  And that's our life really, doing the best we can, everyday, living and giving and not counting the cost!!

Love from us all here xxx

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