Early start!

The dogs barked at 4am to announce that R & P had arrived back from the 100k walk. Earlier than planned as R had stopped at 70K on medical advice! Her feet were a mass of blisters and she was in so much pain. They got a lift to the finish where their car was parked and headed for home.  We all headed to bed for some sleep. 

The extra picture is R soaking her injured feet in iced water, with Lottie and Pippa investigating the possibility of pinching an ice cube.

B & I had some time out this afternoon and went to Doddington Hall to see the Quilt Exhibition. It comprises of old museum quilts and a new selection of quilts made by prisoners. Fine Cell Work trains men and women in prison to do high-quality, paid needlework in the long hours that they spend in their cells. The work seen was exceptional and this panel blipped was part of the Sleep Quilt commissioned by the author Tracy Chevalier.

The exhibition runs until the end of August, well worth a visit 

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