Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley


I woke up bright and early today to head over to meet Rebecca and the children, for a picnic in the park and water fun. We went to a gorgeous pack which is called Millhouses Park only 5 minute drive from both of our houses and we had a fantastic morning/afternoon. Isla was absolutely great running around having tonnes of fun whilst I followed her round like a shadow doing everything she wanted me to do. Which was super fun as a 3 year old boss is better than any boss i've had!!! After our picnic I was giving Peter some attention, he is just super giggly and fun I love it. I'm lucky to have such a large family with beautiful baby cousins who I can spoil rotten and play with. (yet give them back afterwards)
I then continued my day by travelling to Chesterfield to my Auntie Yvonne's house who helped/taught me to make home made burgers. I bought all the ingredients and managed to make them pretty well. (With a lot of help)
I was waiting for the arrival of Will, Nathan and Sarah who were joining me for my house warming dinner. I borrowed some serving dishes from Yvonne which are absolutely gorgeous! And in them I put organic humous with lots of vegetables to dip in. 
Everyone loved my hosting and my food Thank Goodness, and no-one has been taken ill which is also a good sign. 
Josh and Beth arrived a little later and we spent the evening with lots of drinks and playing cards.

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