portrait of pam

I rarely take portraits. Sometimes . . . maybe of Steve or one of our pups, but I'm more into macro or landscape photography . . . or, photographing my art work! But on Saturday, my friend Pam & I had a date for lunch. I was not even carrying my OMD or my Lumix, but the camera on my Samsung Note4 did the job of taking a portrait remarkably well. 

Plus, Pam is beautiful and made a great subject while we sat outside along the river. I did not tell her I was going to take a photo so she was simply looking out across the water as I snapped away the surroundings and her. Woody's River Roo is a fun place to go. I will attach an extra photo showing more of the place. I have been here before by boat, but it was in the evening and a whole different experience, going by boat! Pam & I drove, found a parking space (hard to do!) and walked past the crowds at the main section of the restaurant out to where the Tiki Hut & Tiki tables were. It was hot, but made better by the shade of our umbrella and the breezes off the water. 

I have a favorite blip of Pam, taken in our boat Chelsea on the river with our pups in late 2013. I love blipfoto for this reason. That day (or this day - at a later date) might easily become lost in my memory, if I did not have my photo journal to add photos and thoughts of the day. Now 2 years later, I can do a quick search and look back, easily remember and smile. Thank you blip, and that you friends for hanging in there with me & my erratic uploading behavior :0) And the biggest thanks to Pam for being my special in-person friend and sharing your life with me! What fun we had lunching & shopping!!!

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