Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Bumbling and glum ...

...The bee is bumbling and the day (weather-wise) is glum.

I'm not glum.

I met a loved relative at a shopping outlet.
Had a good old catch-up.
We wandered into the first shop, after what seemed like only half an hour or so of coffee, and the pleasant young man on the door said 'good afternoon' (AFTERNOON?? Already? It's only just been elevenses).

There were many 'Designer' goods on show. (Some looking quite sad and faulty to my eye). A handbag almost lured me into the 'Designer' market, but sadly (?) I shall probably remain a 'stick-to what-suits-me' boring (navy and beige) woman for the rest of my days now I feel.
(Unless a 'lottery-wot-I-don't-do' ticket pokes me in the eye, and THEN I shall buy something frivolous and bonkers, like a yellow and purple handbag).

OK... I did buy a couple of tops (bargins they were, cheap at twice the price. They hardly count?).

I've had a nice 'day off'.
I feel suitably refreshed and charged in the battery dept.
Chores :-/

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