Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


..And weeds :-/

Truth is..
We went to a 'bash' recently, planned for some considerable months.
Himself was involved on t'committee for said bash.
'Who will take the photographs?' someone said..

.. So, months ago (when it was not scary in the least) I magnanamously said,
'I (with my camera) shall take the photographs' (how hard could it be?).

Subsequently (when panic set in and a little more sleep was lost) we attended said 'bash'. Much prep took place, because I'm a macro girl really, and portraits are not in my comfort zone.
However, in the event, I really enjoyed having the camera with me, and the 'permission' to wander around snapping lots :-)
Since then, there has been much work involved in choosing the images to 'work' on and deciding how best to present them.
So, I'm still a little bit preoccupied with getting that 'right'.

I'll be back to 'proper' commenting very soon.

(Does anyone else need more hours in the day? Is time speeding up?).

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